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Privacy Statement

CW Worldwide, Inc.'s TMS, https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/, provides electronic freight solutions for shipping freight whether it's small package, truckload, LTL, LCL, or domestic air. The web site provides an instant comparison of numerous freight carriers or shipping companies and allows automated transport via ground, water and air. CW Worldwide, Inc. has created this statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for the CW Transportation Management System:

Submissions & Usage

Contact Information: The https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ customer registration form requires users to give us contact information (including name, email address, mailing address and fax). We use customers' email addresses to send out customer access information. The customers contact information is also used for account purposes such as address verification and confirmation of shipments tendered with CW Worldwide, Inc.. We and our freight carriers also contact customers for the purposes of notifying them of service updates and explanation of services. Users may opt-out of receiving service updates; see the choice/opt-out section below.

Shipment Information: https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ requests shipment information from the user in order to process a shipment. This information includes shipping and receiving addresses, product descriptions and size, and the date and time of the shipment. https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ also utilizes contact information and shipment information to generate an electronic pickup with a freight carrier and to forward the necessary shipping documents to the shipping and/or receiving parties.

Address Book: https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ allows the user to create an address book to simplify and speed up the shipment process. https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ may contact a stored address of a user if a shipment tendered by a user cannot be delivered.

Third Parties: Contracted agents enroll new users by submitting account information to https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ such as company name, address and email address to create new accounts. A contracted agent can access only the account and shipment information for those users they have enrolled. A sponsoring trade association has access only to the names and addresses of their own members.

Please Note: Shipping and receiving information for each shipment is submitted electronically to the freight carrier chosen by the shipper. https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ does not share a users personal information with any other third parties. CW Worldwide, Inc. does not sell advertising anywhere on our TMS. If you see advertising pop up messages, they are not being served by https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ and are in no way endorsed or encouraged by CW Worldwide, Inc. and this should be brought to our attention immediately.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of the information under our control. We use your IP address to help diagnose technical problems and to administer our TMS. The TMS uses cookies to keep track of your shopping cart and to track search engine click-throughs. https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ utilizes a firewall to verify access to the TMS and member access is restricted by the use of a username and password.


Our site provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us. Users can have their information removed from our database and refuse future service updates, or cancel service by emailing us at [email protected]. They can also determine their own preferred method of communication by instructing us to note their account not to receive certain communications.


https://cwworldwide.taicloud.net/ gives users the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided.

  1. Email: [email protected]
  2. Call the following telephone number: +17082797625

Users may check the privacy statement periodically to view any changes or updates.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this web site, you can contact:

CW Worldwide, Inc.
24560 S Kings Road 
P.O. Box 605
Crete, IL 60417

[email protected]
Call Us Toll Free: +17082797625
Fax: +17082797278